Gender Exploration

Behavioral Health & Psychotherapy Services Located in Fairfax, Vienna and Sterling, VA, and North Bethesda, MD

Gender Exploration in Vienna, Fairfax and Sterling, VA

Many individuals explore their gender identity through experimenting with their appearance, clothing, makeup, hairstyles, or behavior. Exploring one’s gender identity does not necessarily mean that they are transgender or non-binary – gender exploration is a healthy, normal part of self-exploration and developing one’s identity. However, some individuals may experience psychological distress as they explore these aspects of their identities and lives. Our team at Inspire Behavioral Health provides gender-affirming, compassionate care to individuals who are experiencing gender dysphoria, or other mental health challenges, related to gender exploration. To learn more about gender exploration therapy, treatment options, or to schedule a confidential consultation, call us today or make an appointment online. 

What is Gender Dysphoria?

Gender dysphoria is a term that describes a sense of unease that a person may have because of a mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. This sense of unease or dissatisfaction may be so intense it can lead to depression and anxiety and have a harmful impact on daily life. Many people with gender dysphoria have a strong, lasting desire to live a life that “matches” or expresses their gender identity. They do this by changing the way they look and behave.

Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but some people may develop mental health problems such as depression or anxiety because of gender dysphoria. Gender exploration therapy is a way to address overall mental health and a healthy life.

What is Gender-Affirming Therapy?

Gender-affirming therapy is a holistic process which includes many different therapeutic approaches and affords the client the opportunity to look deeply at themselves and their own issues, including Gender Dysphoria and symptoms of depression, anxiety, etc. Gender-affirming therapy is a place for exploring gender identity in therapy with professional assistance. 

At Inspire Behavioral Health, we are familiar with the diagnostic criteria of Gender Dysphoria and can differentiate between symptoms of gender dysphoria and other diagnoses.  We are experienced in diagnosing various disorders and can refer internally to our psychiatrists, who work with transgender clients and specialize in prescribing medication, if necessary.

What Gender-Affirming Mental Health Services Do We Provide?

Wherever an individual is on their gender journey – from just starting exploring gender identity in therapy to already living their most gender-authentic life – we support their goals and help them manage the stresses of life in a respectful, affirming therapy environment. Our therapists provide support for a variety of situations and feelings that can arise from striving to live a gender-authentic life in our culture, including:

  • Gender exploration and identity development, including non-binary identity development.
  • Transition exploration and support, including WPATH letters for medical interventions.
  • Stress related to dysphoria, bullying, transphobia and other forms of social pressure.
  • We can also help people connect with gender-affirming resources in the community.

What is a WPATH Letter?

A WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Standards of Care letter is often required for various gender-affirming medical treatments to ensure that individuals receiving care have undergone thorough psychological assessment and that their care is deemed medically necessary. While specific requirements can vary by healthcare provider, insurance policy, and location, typically, a letter is necessary for:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): Some clinics operate under informed consent models and may not require a letter for initiating HRT. However, many healthcare providers and insurance companies still request a WPATH letter to start or continue hormone therapy, often referred to as feminizing or masculinizing hormones.
  • Gender Affirming Surgeries (GAS): This includes a wide range of surgical procedures aimed at aligning individuals’ physical appearance with their gender identity. Common surgeries requiring a WPATH letter include:
  • Top Surgery: This term generally refers to breast augmentation or gender mastectomy for chest reconstruction. Mastectomy, or “female to male” (FTM) top surgery, and breast augmentation, or “male to female” (MTF) top surgery, are among the most requested.
  • Bottom Surgery: Includes surgeries like vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, and metoidioplasty, among others, related to genital reconstruction. Vaginoplasty and phalloplasty are commonly sought by individuals transitioning to female and male identities, respectively.
  • Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) and Facial Masculinization Surgery (FMS): Procedures that alter facial features to be more traditionally feminine or masculine, respectively.
  • Voice Surgery: Also known as voice feminization or masculinization surgery, these procedures adjust the pitch of the voice to be more aligned with the individual’s gender identity.
  • Other Gender-Affirming Procedures: Such as body contouring, hair transplantation, or any surgery that assists in aligning one’s physical appearance with their gender identity. These can include procedures like tracheal shave (reduction of the Adam’s apple), and scalp advancement (hairline correction).

Prior to requesting WPATH documentation, please consult your insurance company, as this step is essential to understand the specific requirements for a WPATH letter in your case. This letter not only facilitates access to necessary treatments but also serves as a crucial document for navigating insurance coverage and healthcare systems in the context of gender transitioning.

At Inspire Behavioral Health, we are committed to helping patients have a safe and healthy place for exploring gender identity in therapy. Contact us today at 703-592-4600 or fill out our contact form for more information.