Medication Management

Behavioral Health & Psychotherapy Services in Fairfax, Vienna and Sterling, VA, Washington DC, and North Bethesda, MD

Medication Management services offered in Fairfax, Vienna and Sterling, VA, Washington DC, and North Bethesda, MD

Medication management is a vital part of your mental health treatment. Inspire Behavioral Health Team in Vienna, Fairfax and Sterling, Virginia offer expert medication management to help their patients enjoy optimal benefits from their treatment. Team members collaborate with patients regarding their medication options and ensure they take them correctly to achieve the planned therapeutic outcome. To request a medication management review, call Inspire Behavioral Health today or book an in-person or telemedicine appointment online.

What is medication management?

Medication management concerns the drugs you take to manage long-term mental health problems. These might include:
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI antidepressants)
  • Tricyclic antidepressants
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) antidepressants
  • Anti-anxiety medications
  • Mood stabilizers
  • Stimulants
  • Antipsychotic medications
Many psychiatric disorders benefit from medication, usually in combination with psychotherapy. In addition, people often take other drugs for medical conditions, like high blood pressure or diabetes, on top of their psychiatric medications. The Inspire Behavioral Health team’s expertise in medication management ensures you get the most benefit from your treatments.

How does medication management help me?

Medication management helps in several ways:

Treatment effectiveness

You take medication to reduce or relieve your symptoms. However, drugs work differently in different people, so it’s important to ensure your medicines have the desired effect. Your provider assesses how well your current medications work at your medication review. They can adjust the dose or might suggest trying an alternative drug if you’re not experiencing significant improvement.

Minimizing side effects

Side effects can happen with any treatment, and psychiatric medications are no exception. Some side effects are a nuisance but not life-threatening, like dry mouth. Others can be intolerable or even dangerous. Regular checkups ensure you experience minimal side effects and no long-term harm.

Monitoring drug combinations

Many drugs have different effects when mixed. For example, taking SSRI antidepressant medications with opioids (prescription painkillers) increases your risk of serotonin syndrome. This condition occurs when excess serotonin, a brain chemical that regulates mood, builds up in your brain. Serotonin syndrome causes a central nervous system problem that can have serious effects. That is just one of many possible drug interactions, so the Inspire Behavioral Health team needs to know about every medicine you take at your medication management review. Herbal remedies and dietary supplements can also interact with your psychiatric medications. For instance, people often take the popular herbal treatment St. John’s wort for mild to moderate depression, but it can be harmful if taken with antidepressants.

How often should I have a medication management review?

Your provider at Inspire Behavioral Health will advise you how often you need a medication management review. For most people, 3-4 times a year is about right, but more frequent appointments might be necessary in some cases. For instance, you may need monthly medication management reviews if you change medication or have a disorder like schizophrenia. To arrange your medication management review, call Inspire Behavioral Health today or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online. At Inspire Behavioral Health we offer services such as MEDICATION MANAGEMENTPSYCHOTHERAPY, ADHD TESTINGTMSSPRAVATOPRIMARY CARE, MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS, PSYCHIATRIC GENETIC TESTING plus treatments for ADHD, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, PTSDBIPOLAR and PANIC DISORDER.