ADHD Testing
Behavioral Health & Psychotherapy Services in Fairfax, Vienna and Sterling, VA, Washington DC, and North Bethesda, MD
ADHD Testing services offered in Fairfax, Vienna and Sterling, VA, Washington DC, and North Bethesda, MD
About ADHD
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common condition affecting more than 9 percent of children and 4 percent of adults in the United States—many who remain undiagnosed and untreated. Without proper diagnosis and care, ADHD can create personal and professional difficulties, including relationship problems, substance abuse, and problems at work and school.
Our Philosophy
We rely on research, science, and common sense to inform our treatment approaches, using interventions that are evidence-based and effective. Our treatment program aims to help children thrive in school, aid adolescents to learn skills to help themselves succeed, and assist adults to build skills to improve both their work and their relationships.
Specialists at Inspire offer comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for ADHD, including Comprehensive psychological evaluations, Medication consultation and management and Individual cognitive behavioral therapy. We tailor treatments to your specific needs. By keeping in mind patient, family, and either school or work setting, we will create an individualized treatment plan that ensures that you receive the personalized care you need.
Psychological testing
Keeping this philosophy in mind, our practice has established a fee for service-based outpatient ADHD testing clinic in our office. The testing is comprehensive and can be utilized to secure medication for the treatment and management of ADHD symptoms. The testing can also help secure your child’s 504 IEP.
Testing is being conducted by Dr. Getz, a licensed clinical psychologist with over 25 years of experience testing children, adolescents, and adults. Testing incorporates assessment of cognitive functioning, academic skills, attention/impulse control, fine motor and visual-motor integration, executive functioning, memory, auditory processing speed, among other areas and can be extremely helpful to rule out other brain based and emotional challenges that look like ADHD as treatment for these disorders would be markedly different. Additionally, there are checklists specifically tailored for use with children and adults. These services are being offered to those between the ages of 6 and 80.
To learn more about ADHD Testing, call Inspire Behavioral Health today or book an in-person appointment at our Vienna VA or Sterling VA Offices or a telehealth appointment online. At Inspire Behavioral Health we offer services such as MEDICATION MANAGEMENT, PSYCHOTHERAPY, ADHD TESTING, TMS, SPRAVATO, PRIMARY CARE, MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS, PSYCHIATRIC GENETIC TESTING plus treatments for ADHD, ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, PTSD, BIPOLAR and PANIC DISORDER.