Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Getz has been working in private practice in Northern Virginia since 2015. He is trained to work with children, adolescents and adults. He has extensive experience in providing individual therapy with eclectic modalities, including cognitive behavioral and psychodynamic therapy. His specialties include working with those who have anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and ADHD. He is also trained to complete bariatric evaluations and has worked as part of a surgical weight loss team. He is prepared to help individuals who struggle to lose weight and want to lead a healthier lifestyle.
Dr. Getz worked at the Pennsylvania State College of Medicine in the Psychiatry department after his graduate study. There he gained extensive experience in the psychological assessment and treatment of individuals with eating and sleep disorders, mood disorders, and ADHD. He also evaluated and treated patients on the child and adult inpatient psychiatric units. He has done extensive research on trichotillomania and is prepared to offer specialized treatment for those who are diagnosed with this disorder.
Dr. Getz is currently completing his third post-doctoral fellowship at the Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis. This opportunity has been enlightening and has facilitated a greater understanding of modern psychoanalytic theory and practice.
In addition to accepting new psychotherapy patients, Dr. Getz will be available to provide comprehensive ADHD assessments for children and adults. The evaluations for the children will be accepted by the schools and useful in facilitating the formulation of a 504 and individualized educational program.